sina mostafavi sina mostafavi


Dr. Sina Mostafavi is a practicing architect, researcher, and educator with computational design and architectural robotics expertise. He is an Associate Professor at Texas Tech University College of Architecture. Mostafavi’s research focuses on innovative applications of emerging materials and technologies, empowered by hybrid human-machine intelligence, for integrated design, inclusive automation, and circular production. He holds a doctoral degree from TU Delft, where he has been a senior researcher and the manager at the robotic building lab of Hyperbody Research Group at BK-City. At the Dessau Institute of Architecture in Bauhaus, he initiated the DARS.hub unit [Design, Architectural Robotics & Systems], where he led several interdisciplinary projects such as 100 Years Bauhaus Pavilion, Bioplastic Robotic-3D-Printing and Adaptive City Car sponsored by AUDI. As a practicing architect, he is the founder of SETUParchitecture, an award-winning studio aiming to adapt digital design-to-production technologies to geo-cultural specificities.     

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