Robotic Concrete 3D Printing Continuous Toolpath Planning Paper Presentation at the ARCC EAAE/ARCC 2024 at Aarhus School of Architecture, Denmark

Peer Reviewed Paper Presentation - EAAE/ARCC Conference 2024 in Aarhus School Architecture in Denmark

As part of the Innovative Materials and Construction session at the EAAE/ARCC Conference 2024 in Aarhus School Architecture in Denmark, Dr. Sina Mostafavi (Associate Professor), Edgar Montejano and Bahar Bagheri (LPMD Ph.D. students at TTU HCoA), Cole Howell (Student Assistant and TTU HCoA Graduate), Ali Etemadi (Dessau Institute of Architecture Graduate), and Dr. Asma Mehan (Assistant Professor), presented a paper titled "Robotic Concrete 3D Printing Continuous Toolpath Planning: From Single Curve to Voxel-Based Systems for Design-to-Production of Urban Furnitures." The research summarizes and showcases the advancements in Concrete 3D Printing and the methods developed over the past years at Texas Tech in various projects.

More information can be found here:

Conference Program:


Interdisciplinary Collaboration and Inclusivity: Methodological Innovations in Architectural Practice and Pedagogy at the ARCC EAAE/ARCC 2024 at Aarhus School of Architecture, Denmark


Call for Research Position: Graduate Assistant, Student Assistant, or Research Assistant for Fall 2024 / Spring 2025