Co-DREAM Tech Project Secures $299,946 U.S. National Science Foundation ReDDDoT Award.
U.S. National Science Foundation ReDDDoT Award
Co-DREAM Tech Project Secures $299,946 U.S. National Science Foundation ReDDDoT Award
Our project titled "Co-DREAM Tech: Building Community-Driven Resilience and Empowerment through Adaptive Manufacturing Technologies" has received $299,946 funding through the NSF ReDDDoT program and philanthropic funders including the Ford Foundation, The Patrick J. McGovern Foundation, Pivotal Ventures (a Melinda Gates Foundation), The Eric and Wendy Schmidt Fund for Strategic Innovation, and the Siegel Family Endowment.
The start date is October 1st!
Stay tuned for more news and expected job and collaboration opportunities as part of our Co-DREAM Tech project.
Principal Investigators: Sina Mostafavi, Ph.D. (PI), Ali Nejat, PhD, PE, PMP (Co-PI), Asma Mehan, PhD (Co-PI)
Submitting Institution: Texas Tech University Texas Tech University Huckabee College of Architecture CECE Texas Tech University | Co-DREAM Tech will be a collaborative interdepartmental project between faculty members and research labs and centers at TTU HCoA Huckabee College of Architecture and TTU CECE Civil, Environmental and Construction Engineering.
PI Mostafavi – Director of Hi-DARS lab___Hybrid Intelligence Design & Architectural Robotic Systems [] @TTU HCOA
Co-PI Nejat – Director of HUD Center of Excellence in Climate Resilient and Equitable Housing (CECREH) [] @ TTU / TTU CECE
Co-PI Mehan – Director of Architectural Humanities and Urbanism Lab (AHU_Lab) [] @TTU HCOA
(Pictured from Left to Right) Sina Mostafavi, Ph.D. (PI), Ali Nejat, PhD, PE, PMP (Co-PI), Asma Mehan, PhD (Co-PI)
More info can be found on the Co-DREAM Tech NSF award page.